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Rewind Free

Access your data forever.
$0per user
per month
Save 34% compared to monthly
More expensive but cancel anytime

Rewind Pro

One simple plan that has it all.
$19per user
per month
billed yearly

Rewind Pro

One simple plan that has it all.
$29per user
per month

Rewind Free

Rewind Pro

Recording & Devices
Recordings compressed and stored locally on device.
Only you have access and full control over what is recorded.
Mac & iPhone apps.
Search & AI
Browse back and forth in time and copy & paste anything.
Search for anything you've seen, said, or heard.

Only the top three results

Personalized AI that can answer any question.

Only the first few sentences

Meetings & Transcription
Transcribe anything you've said or heard.
Human-level transcript summarization.

Only the first few sentences

Automatically draft summary email to meeting attendees.

Only the first few sentences

Help center with over 100 articles
User community with over 1,000 members
Human support
CEO's cell phone number
What you get with
Rewind Unlimited
Visit our help center to get in touch. We’re super responsive.

Do you offer a free trial?

What about my privacy?

Your trust and privacy is more important to us than anything else.

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How do I cancel, change plans, or change credit cards?

What hardware is required to run Rewind?

Rewind is optimized for Apple Silicon (M1 or M2) and iPhone. It is also available on any Intel-based Mac. We are considering supporting other platforms in the future.
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Where does my data go?

For your privacy, your screen and audio recordings are stored locally and NEVER leave your Mac. If you choose to use our meeting summarization or Ask Rewind features, only relevant text-based data is sent to our LLM partners.
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